12/20/2020 RE Bulletin

Thank you to all our families that were able to join us for Advent confessions last week!

8th Grade Announcement

8th grade parents please be sure to check your email for a 2021 Confirmation update. Visit the “Sacraments” tab on our website www.re.stcyril.org to fill out the Confirmation Candidate form. The Confirmation fee is also payable online. 

We are asking that 8th graders focus on their Saint Report and Bishop Letter. Please reach out to your catechist if yo have any questions. The holiday break will also be a perfect time for Confirmondi to work on earning service hours. 

From the desk of our 8th grade catechists (English Program)…

The 2020/2021 SS Cyril and Methodius religious education year has presented several challenges due to COVID19 restrictions.  Instead of four classes of 10-15 8th grade confirmation students spread across the week and four religious education teachers, all 41 of the 8th grade confirmation students meet once per week virtually with two catechists.  Parents, students, and catechists have been very flexible to help make the weekly virtual meeting possible and it has been great to see the dedication of students and families to attending the weekly virtual sessions.  During each week, the students individually follow the online “My Catholic Faith Delivered” religious education program and the catechists review their progress to make sure no students are falling behind.  The weekly live virtual meetings are a time for students to bring any questions they might have from their personal studies in the online program.  The catechists also use that time to give the students updates on upcoming deadlines and explain what is required to continue their progression towards their confirmation day.  In addition to starting and ending each virtual meeting with a prayer, the 8th grade catechists have started incorporating short movie clips from the “Chosen” confirmation religious education series by Chris Stefanick and Ron Bolster, which SS Cyril and Methodius has used over the past three years in the classroom.  The students have given great feedback and the short clips have started to spur some group conversation on the topics of true happiness and the importance of God in our lives.  Given the current challenges, the students, parents, and SS Cyril and Methodius’ religious education program are doing their best to prepare this unique class of confirmandi for their day of confirmation this spring.

Mr Christopher Kolodzej & Mr Dave Smietanski

8th grade Catechists

As we head into Christmas break, we are asking that all students complete any makeup work or missing work. Catechists will be working on report cards after the New Year. Please reach out to your catechist if you have any questions. Thank you!
