Palm Sunday
Hosanna to the King!
On this day of great rejoicing,
Lord Jesus Christ, when we welcome
You as our King and Savior,
We also walk in the shadow of Your cross.
Hosanna! We cry.
Blessed are You who come
In God’s name to save us.
Strengthen our faith on this Palm Sunday
So that when the time comes
To carry the cross we might still
Call out to You with heartfelt praise.
Give us the grace and the courage
To follow You this Holy Week
From death to resurrection,
From darkness to the fullness of light.
We need You,
Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Idzie wielki Tydzień, Serca nam odmienia
Ciszą i odwagą, pełną zamyślenia.
Niedługo Wielkanoc, czas wielkiej radosci,
Oby Zmartwychwstały Chrystus, na zawsze
w sercach naszych goscił…
With spring upon us and the weather warming up The Shrine of Christ’s Passion in St John, IN is a beautiful destination for families to reflect and prayerfully walk through the Passion of Christ together. If you are looking for a family excursion, we would highly recommend a visit. For more information go to