Religious Education Expectations & Policies

It is expected that each family become actively involved in the SS. Cyril and Methodius Religious Education Program and Parish in order to model a living, conscious and active Christian faith and to reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children also agree to act in accordance with these values and attitudes.

Parent Participation

In order for our religious formation to be effective, parents and the religious education staff must work together. We ask parents to participate in the following ways:

  • Attend Mass each week as a family.
  • Support the parish and help offset the parish cost of Religious Education by using your weekly envelopes.
  • Make sure your child is present for class each week on time.
  • Work with your child on learning their prayers by heart and any assignments they receive as homework.
  • Attend parent meetings in the sacramental years of 2nd and 8th grades. It is very important that you attend these informational meetings.
  • Twice a year we send home progress reports. Please review these carefully to assess your child’s progress in our program.
  • Contact the catechist or coordinator with any concerns you may have. Please talk to us directly.

Student Participation

All students are asked to participate in the following ways:

  • Make a commitment to attend classes and fully participate in those classes.
  • Be responsible for bringing their religion book, Bible (6th, 7th, 8th grades), folder and pen or pencil to class each week. Children must be prepared in order to participate in class sessions.
  • Complete any assigned homework or projects on time.
  • Show respect to all staff members, other students and property at all times.
  • Be willing to participate in personal prayer, group prayer and religious education Masses and prayer services.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our RE Office at 630-257-9314.

Director of Religious Education – Mrs. Monika Leja (

Administrative Assistant for Religious Education – Mrs. Roxana Boyden (