10/11/2020 RE Bulletin

The 2020/21 catechetical year is under way!

Parents, please be sure that you check your email regularly as this is the most frequent form of communication that will be used this year. Add stcyrilre@sscmlemont.org to your address book so that you don’t miss any emails. Be sure to check “junk” and “spam” folders often.

If your children have not yet logged into Google Classroom please be sure that they do so using their RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM EMAIL. Instructions were emailed to all registered students last Friday 10/2/2020. The parish office is open Monday – Friday 9:00 – 3:00PM, please call (630)257-9314 or email the RE Office is you have any questions.

Rok Katechetyczny 2020/21 już się rozpoczął!!!!!!

Bardzo prosimy aby wszyscy Rodzice systematycznie sprawdzali swoje emails. To jest jedyna forma naszej wspólnej komunikacji. Przypominamy ponownie że w tym roku używamy platformy Mail Chimp, wszystkie e mails są wysyłane z adresu stcyrilre@sscmlemont.org

Prosimy aby Rodzice sprawdzali swój „junk” „spam” „promotion folder”

Bardzo prosimy aby wszyscy uczniowe uaktywnili swoje dwie platformy nauczania. Jedną Platformą jest Wirtualna Klasa / Google Classrom a drugą Platformą jest Program Katechetyczny / Książka / My Catholic Faith Delivered.

Wszystkie informacje z instrukcją były wysłane do Rodziców na email w zeszłym tygodniu.

Jeżeli Państwo mają dodatkowe pytania prosimy o kontakt z naszym biurem katechetycznym.

A note from Fr Koys…

I’m Fr Koys, the new kid on the block. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been using COVID as an excuse for almost anything that doesn’t go my way lately.  And I feel quite justified thank you!  Well, our Catholic obligation of passing on our faith to our children is no exception.  Many of you already know that we are doing catechism (aka: CCD, or Religious Ed) online.  We have a great series to use this year.  It’s called My Catholic Faith Delivered.  (MCFD for short).  It is the online platform from the very good Ignatius Press series called “Faith & Life”.  Everything a student and teacher would find with the hard copy textbooks is presented on the MCFD website.  Anyone can buy a subscription, but it’s cheaper to buy in bulk, as we do as a parish.  So, welcome to the crazy, sometimes frustrating world of E-LEARNING.  If you know anyone who teaches, especially in a public school, you will discover that EVERYONE is struggling a little or a lot with E-LEARNING.   So, as you sign up for CCD this year, each parent (usually it’s mom, but dads can play along too) gets a link to the MCFD website where you log in and create your personal password bla bla bla.  (if you’re familiar with online stuff, you know the basic routine).  So, welcome to Catholic catechism in the age of COVID.  We simply ask you, when you run into challenges and roadblocks, please save your worst complaints for China, the nation that gave us this gift that keeps giving (us headaches).  In all seriousness, this online program is really great.  There’s so much to learn.  It offers regular read along lessons, it offers videos, it offers games and there are tons of extras.  So we promise to be with you all the way.  If we pray real hard this can be a great way to get the students excited about our Catholic faith.  Stay tuned for more info.    

To view our SSCM church bulletin in it’s entirety please click here.
