3/21/2021 RE Bulletin

Dear Religious Education Families,

Praying the Stations of the Cross—alone or with a group—is a Lenten tradition. Read and pray these stations very slowly. Imagine the scene in Jerusalem as Jesus walked his Way of the Cross. Often, the Stations of the Cross is an action prayer. Catholics walk to the fourteen stations of the Way of the Cross and stop to pray at each one. We invite you to reflect on these stations together as a family. Here is a great video going through the Stations of the Cross:


1. Jesus is condemned to death. Jesus was accused of many crimes he didn’t commit. He didn’t defend himself. He knew he needed to die for our sins.

2. Jesus accepts the cross. The cross was big and heavy. It was hard for Jesus to carry it. Jesus carried the heavy cross without complaining once.

3. Jesus falls the first time. Jesus was already badly wounded when he fell the first time. It must have hurt very much. Jesus got up and kept on going.

4. Jesus meets his mother. Jesus knew that his mother was sad to see him suffering so much. But he was so happy she came to him. Mary loved Jesus very much.

5. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus. Simon didn’t come to help Jesus but to see what was going on. Then he was ordered by the soldiers to carry the cross, because Jesus was having such a hard time.

6. Veronica wipes Jesus’ face. Veronica loved Jesus very much. When she stepped out to wipe his face, she risked getting in big trouble from the soldiers. Her love and kindness overcame her fear.

7. Jesus falls a second time. Jesus fell again because he was so weak and tired from all his wounds. He still didn’t give up. He got back up and continued on.

8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. A lot of people were against Jesus, but a lot of people followed him. They were his faithful friends.

9. Jesus falls a third time. It’s unbelievable that Jesus fell again and the soldiers didn’t help him. They only yelled louder for him to get up and continue on. Jesus didn’t get mad at them; he forgave them.

10. Jesus is stripped of his clothes. To be without clothes in front of everyone is a humiliating thing. Jesus wasn’t ashamed because he knew his Father in heaven loved him and everyone who was there.

11. Jesus is crucified. The soldiers drove nails through Jesus’ hands and feet. They lifted up the cross and put it in place. Jesus was in a lot of pain.

12. Jesus dies on the cross. When Jesus died, the sky got dark and the ground started to shake. This made some people very scared. They saw that Jesus was innocent and that they had made a big mistake.

13. Jesus’ body is taken down from the cross. Joseph of Arimathea gave Jesus his own burial cave because Jesus didn’t have a place to be buried. Joseph was another one of Jesus’ friends who took a risk to help him.

14. Jesus is laid in the tomb. Even when things look very difficult and sad, there is always hope that God can bring new life.

Resource: www.loyolapress.com/catholic-resources and www.wau.org/resources
