12/6/2020 RE Bulletin

Saint Cyril and Methodius 

Religious Education Program

Advent Confessions 2020

Advent confessions will take place on December 14, 2020 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at St. Cyril & Methodius Church. We encourage everyone to make every effort to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as this date is especially reserved for all Religious Education Students (grades 3-8), all RE Program Families and entire RE Staff Members. English and Polish Priests will be available.

*Please keep in mind masks/face coverings are required. No reservations are needed.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mt 11:28-30)

Dwujezyczny Program Katechetyczny

Spowiedź Adwentowa 2020

W dniu 14 Grudnia, 2020 w godzinach 6:00pm do 8:00pm w Parafii Sw. Cyryla i Metodego odbędzie się Spowiedź Adwentowa dla wszystkich Uczniów z Programu Katechetycznego (kl. 3-8), Rodziców, oraz całego Personelu. Zachęcamy wszystkich do wzięcia udziału oraz skorzystania z Sakramentu Pojednania w tym dniu, jako że jest on specjalnie zarezerwowany dla naszego Programu Katechetycznego. Ksieza beda spowiadali w jezyku Polskim oraz w jezyku Angielskim.

*Prosimy aby wszyscy mieli ubrane maseczki. Nie potrzeba rezerwacji.

„Przyjdzcie do mnie wszyscy, ktorzy utrudzeni i obciazeni jestescie, a Ja was pokrzepie. Wezmijcie moje jarzmo na siebie i uczcie sie ode Mnie, bo jestem lagodny i pokorny sercem, a znajdziecie ukojenie dla dusz waszych. Albowiem jarzmo moje jest slodkie, a moje brzemie lekkie”. (Mt 11: 28-30)

Our first grade (English program) catechist would like to share how the catechetical year is going. We will have more catechist testimonials in the coming weeks. Enjoy!

My name is Grace, I’ve been with Saint Cyril and Methodius Parish for many years, and currently I am a first grade catechist. This is my first year teaching a virtual program. At first I need to say that I was little bit nervous using this type of teaching method, since I was so use to a regular classroom setting. I want to say that I am very proud of my students. Having the opportunity to interact with them weekly just on Google Meets brings joy and satisfaction to my life.

The “My Catholic Faith Delivered” online teaching platform that we are currently using at SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish is a wonderful curriculum that helps my students deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Although we certainly did not expect to find ourselves teaching RE in this fashion, we realize that it is truly a better option than watching our children grow without the opportunity to learn the teachings of our Catholic faith.

My personal opinion and experience come from both having a middle-school child who is utilizing this online tool, as well as being a Catechist who brings Religion to the homes of 1st graders.

Grace Walus – First Grade Catechist 
