12/13/2020 RE Bulletin

8th Grade Announcement

8th grade parents please be sure to check your email for a 2021 Confirmation update.

Dear Students and Parents,

Advent is a time of preparation. We prepare ourselves to celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior on Christmas.

So how best can we prepare ourselves?

Time is a precious gift that God gives to us so that we may have time for family and friends; time for happiness and peace; time for love and joy; time for worship, thanksgiving, and praise of Him, the Giver of Time. And all of us are really good spenders of time. But, do we truly appreciate that time, in every moment, at every instant, as God’s precious gift to us? Do we realize that what God has given us is not our own, but his? Do we recognize that we live our lives in God’s time?

During these last two weeks of Advent may we enter into a deeper relationship with our God and Savior through spending time: In Scripture, in prayer, in praise and thanksgiving. This Christmas season will definitely be different from the ones we celebrated in the past but God promised to be with us guarding, leading and protecting us to the end of time. May we use our time wisely and prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus our Savior.

From the desk of our 7th grade catechist (Bilingual Program)…

Z biurka Katechety klasy 7 (Program Dwujęzyczny)…

Raz w tygodniu spotykamy się wirtualnie na streszczenie katechezy/rozdziału z naszej wirtualnej książki (My Catholic Faith Delivered). W październiku rozmawialiśmy o Różańcu i jak modlitwa na Różańcu zbliża nas do Boga poprzez rozmowę z Matka Bożą. W listopadzie wspominaliśmy o wszystkich świętych oraz rozmawialiśmy o wypominkach za bliskich zmarłych. Oprócz wirtualnej książki używamy Pismo Święte.

Uczniowie dostają fragmenty z Pisma Świetego, które są powiązane z tematem lekcji, następnie odnajdują fragmenty i czytamy wspólnie.

Iwona Kosinski

Katecheta kl. 7
